Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Melbourne, Australia

We arrived in Melbourne after a 14 hour flight from Los Angeles and another hour flight from Sydney. We got to our hotel around 1pm. The stewardess dropped a whole class of orange juice and ice cubes on Carl when he was half asleep. Some went into his ear, down his neck,over his shirt and onto his seat. That woke him up.
When we were at Ian's in Laguna Beach. Ian became ill and couldn't come out with us to celebrate Carol's birthday. Carol is Carl's cousin. We were very pleased to meet all of Ian's daughters and his lovely grandchildren. Oliver reminded us very much of our Tim when he was eight.
While Ian slept yesterday, we took his van and went sight-seeing around where the houses had slid down the hill a couple of years ago. Then we had lunch at Dana Point where we spent a couple of hours walking around the marine with too many sailing craft and other pleasure craft to count. Carol picked us up for her birthday supper and Christine drove us to the LAX for our flight.
Great trip so far and it is just beginning.
Tomorrow we fly to Tasmania for a week. Chow


Dean said...

Dad always liked Orange Juice anyway. I hope they treated him well after that.

Keith said...

Marilyn wishes that she was there to get the OJ spilled on her so she's not feeling too bad for Carl...haha!

Keith got the calendar and was just shown how to log on the internet to track your trip - thanks for the blog site - great to keep tabs!

All are well here and hope you have a fantastic trip. Glad to hear you made it there safe and sound and had such a nice visit with Ian!

Take care,
Keith, Marilyn & Ruth

tk said...

Sweet revenge for all those early morning glasses of water you've thrown at me in the morning. I didn't ask for the ice, I guess I'll have to include a tip.
Stay safe
Timothy Kennedy
ps. Wait til the return trip home when you get the little boy behind you kicking your chair. He gets a bonus if he sings for 2 hours straight.